Video Build Credibility, Building Trust, Empathy, Growth Mindset, Happiness, My Practices, People Management, Self-Belief, Team Building, Team Practices, Time Management, Uncategorized What keeps you motivated? Raka Khashu, CBRE 200 views1 min read
Video Building Trust, Customer Attention, Empathy, My Practices, Transparency Exemplifying the Win-Win Mantra – Srikanth Iyer, Co-founder & CEO, HomeLane 1,107 views3 min read
Video Authenticity, Building Trust, Consistency, Discipline, Empathy, Honesty & Integrity, Inspiration, My Practices, Social Impact, Thought Leadership Building the Future: School by School – Anurag Behar, CEO, Azim Premji Foundation 1,084 views4 min read
Video Leadership Development, My Practices, People Management, Rural Development, Social Impact, Time Management Excelling in Empathy & Execution – the Unique Leadership of K G Mohan, President, RuralShores 1,118 views2 min read