Results are the outcome of a solid set of practices that a leader follows religiously, these may arise from their values, their approach to life & work, or a way of working, all translated into specific routines (practices) the leader carries out consistently.

These Practices (the set of periodic routines the leader has consciously, deliberately and consistently adopted as per the specific situation) eventually give them the results and success they aim for.

In this Series, the Star Leader shares their Top 3 Individual Practices.

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Clarity of Vision – Rohit Ohri, Group Chairman & CEO, FCB India

Heritage & the New – It’s Never a “Yes, but….”, it’s always a “Yes, and…..” A beautiful story on how do you actually marry the old and the new? As human...

Living the “It’s the People” Manifesto – Debarati Sen, VP & GM, 3M Abrasives Systems Division

KRISIN Star Leader Series turns 2! To marry this milestone and the current times of crisis, I am sharing a series of stories from the leaders we have interviewed...

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